
Why are people moving to Tennessee?

Why are people moving to Tennessee?

People from all over The United States are moving to Tennessee in record numbers since the middle of 2020. Inbound migration has been increasing and it hasn't slowed down. Here you will find three reasons why people are moving to Tennessee in record numbers.  The...

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Will the US enter a recession?

Will the US enter a recession?

Is a recession in the forecast for The United States? It is the question many Americans are asking, as the financial health of the country appears to become more strained. Earlier this year the federal reserve raised interest rates twice, in an effort to slow...

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Military PCS moving tips.

Military PCS moving tips.

Moving to a new area can be incredibly overwhelming with all the things that you have to get done. This article is going to share with you the top five military moving tips that you need to do once you get to a new duty station, to help alleviate some of that stress...

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California is still a nice place to live.

California is still a nice place to live.

This post will show you the top 7 reasons why you should move to California. California called the sunny state is the land of Hollywood dreams. In addition the sunny state is the place where silicon valley was born. California has around 40 million residents and is...

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Why is everybody moving to Florida?

Why is everybody moving to Florida?

It’s no secret a ton of people have been moving to Florida, but a few of the reasons why people are moving may surprise you. Florida is called the sunshine state for a reason and that's because they average over 250 days a year of sunshine. They definitely have some...

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Should you tip your movers?

Should you tip your movers?

You are moving. All your boxes are packed and ready for the move. Your boxes are labeled and you have a group of professional movers to help move you to your new home. You may be wondering if it is okay to tip your movers. If they make your life easy and get you...

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Recommended family Activities in NYC.

Recommended family Activities in NYC.

This article will give you information on five best things to do in NYC with your family.  Number five, the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most iconic symbols of New York. The statue was a gift from France and represents freedom and democracy to millions of...

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This is how COVID-19 changed moving patterns in the US.

This is how COVID-19 changed moving patterns in the US.

More than one in 10 Americans moved in 2020. Many of them are wealthy, they're buying houses fast and paying a lot for them. It's all contributing to the hottest markets since the housing crisis in 2006. No matter what kind of house you're looking for, the price of a...

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Tips for packing and moving Christmas decor.

Tips for packing and moving Christmas decor.

Christmas tree, ornaments, stockings, candles, Christmas linens and tableware among other decorations. The more organized you are about putting your Christmas decorations away and storing them neatly, the easier it will be when you need to get all of them out at your...

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Is a warm place good for your mind and body?

Is a warm place good for your mind and body?

Here you will find a list of five ways that living in a warm climate can improve your mental and body health. The first way is that the warm weather usually comes with blue skies, it simply makes you want to get outside. When the skies are blue when you wake up in the...

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