Tips to load a moving truck properly.

Mar 15, 2022Moving, Packing/unpacking, Tips and More

First thing you want to pack up into the truck is boxes. You only want to get about three different size boxes, small, medium and large, since when you go to pack the truck, it’ll be a lot faster to stack all of the same size boxes and then you don’t have to worry about trying to solve the different size boxes in there and obviously it’ll save you a ton of time. The key fact about boxes is that you only want to pack them about 75 to 80 percent of the height of the truck, because you want to leave a little bit of space on top for the second item, which is called top load. Top load is basically suitcases, bags or any other kind of lighter items like chairs, Ottomans, stools and so on, basically items that you can’t sack up, but are also fairly light and can go literally anywhere, so with top load items you’re not wasting any space.

Once you get your boxes and top load in, what you’re going to do is tighten the boxes and top-load, so that when you start driving they don’t all topple over and fall all over the place. You can take a mattress, a large headboard or other taller furniture like bookshelves and wardrobes, place these in front of the boxes as snug as you can across the length of the truck and then you’ll strap that in, so it’s nice and tight, it will be nice and secure and held up by the wall that you just created.  Then you can start to put in your furniture. First you may start with stackable furniture, these would be things like dressers, nightstands or other tables that you can put one on top of another and stack them decently high, If not right to the ceiling. The reason we do this is because next we’re going to put in unstackable items. These items would now go on top of these stacked up items, these would be things like benches or any top load items that you haven’t already stacked into the truck. Once you get the rest of the furniture in and everything is strapped in safely, you’re now going to move to your outdoor and garage items, this would be things like patio furniture, barbecue tools, bikes you name it, anything awkwardly shaped, you could potentially place some of these on top of the stackable furniture, but again every truck pack is kind of different, so you got to see what works and if you are going to put these onto a non stackable item, make sure it’s fairly sturdy and not fragile and that it makes it safely with the item on top of it.

Lastly you’re going to load up your fragile items and breakables, with these items you want to make sure you have some wall space left over, so you can put things like artwork and TVs right next to the wall, strap those in that way nothing can fall into them. They’re nice and safe and secure and then next to that, you’re going to want to put things that are a little bit sturdier, like large plants or statues. A lot of the random items will go at the back of the truck and you just want to make sure that they’re nice and tight and secure and that nothing is going to fall over and break in other objects. To summarize, you’re going to start with boxes first, then put the top load on top of those boxes, tighten it with a mattress or other large furniture. Then you’re going to put in stackable furniture, unstackable furniture, outdoor items and fragile items at the end.